10% off the Digital Non-Test Assessments! Use code DIGITAL10
Many homeschool curriculum and methods expose students to some form of testing throughout the year to review concepts and information learned. While many students have experience with testing and may have taken a standardized achievement test before, it benefits some students to go over a test preparation workbook and remember how the testing process works. If ordering a test through FLO, we highly recommend using our free FLO Practice Tests. These practice tests are more aligned to the tests we offer and will familiarize students with the mechanics of taking one of our tests, including marking answers on a separate answer sheet.
The test preparation workbooks will give the student an idea of what kinds of questions to expect on the test. The Spectrum Test Practice does not include all the subjects tested on the CAT/5 or TerraNova tests, but it is still helpful for reviewing concepts for Mathematics and Language Arts/Reading. The Test Preps for Grades 9-12 were specifically created to help a student prepare for the California Achievement Test, 5th Edition (CAT/5) and Survey (CS), but can be used to prepare for any standardized achievement test for those grades.
Practice doesn't make perfect, but it sure makes things better. As you go over a test preparation workbook, you will identify areas that need more practice and improvement. Devote more time to reviewing these areas with your child. This, in turn, will result in increased confidence, less stress, and higher scores on the actual test!