10% off the Digital Non-Test Assessments! Use code DIGITAL10
We proudly serve the homeschool community and look forward to meeting your testing and assessment needs!
Established in 1983 as Family Learning Association, the Family Learning Organization was incorporated in 1986 and received nonprofit tax exempt status the following year. FLO has since established a long history of serving the homeschool community beginning in Spokane, Washington extending nationally through its testing service. The organization's purposes are to advocate for home-based education, to facilitate the encouragement of homeschooling families, to help preserve the freedom of parents to educate their children, and to serve as a means of communication and networking. Philosophically, it is inclusive and non-judgmental. Home education existed long before government funded institutions for mass produced education. Now - as in the past - it is the most efficient and cost effective form of schooling available. Our purpose is to support those who provide this for their children with the encouragement and respect that all professional educators deserve and receive from our society.
Got a question? We'd love to hear from you. Send us a message and we'll respond as soon as possible.